Was Napoleon Hill right when he said,

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”?

What if we can achieve things even if we think they’re impossible?

Ron Zeller, an educator, author, and coach, champions a different philosophy.

“Get an impossible game and play it with everything you’ve got.”

He shared these thoughts during an interview with Joe Polish in an I Love Marketing podcast.

Zeller gave the interview from a palliative care ward with stage-four lung cancer and shared, among many other things, what it took to become an ultra-marathon runner in his 60s and a US national champion power lifter in his 70s.

Essentially, he says a person doesn’t need to be limited by their beliefs.

They can do what they believe they can’t do.

For example, in the lead-up to his running and completing the Badwater, the “world’s toughest foot race,” Zeller explained that he didn’t think it was going to be possible.

That is, until he had a mental switch.

“I say to myself, ‘I’m going to run this.’ And then I say to myself a couple of months later, ‘You’re never going to run this ever. Ever!’ Well, next year, ‘I’m going to run this.’ And I say to myself, ‘You’re never going to run this. Never ever!’ And that goes on for three years until finally I say, ‘Well, if I could run it, if I was going to run it, what would it look like?’ And so I started breaking it down.”

So what do you believe you can’t do?

And if you could do it, what would that look like?

What would you need to do?