If you were exhausted and overwhelmed, what advice would be most helpful to hear in that moment?

I asked more than 100 people this question in a recent community project. Here are the top 10 responses:

1. Take 5 – 25%

Sit alone in the bathroom; Take a moment; Go to your happy place; Mommy time out; It’s OK to take 5 minutes for yourself; Count to 4; Take a self time out; Take time for yourself; Be alone; It’s OK to take a break; Chill; Relax; It’s OK to just relax; 5-minute meditation.

2. Breathe – 19%

Breathe; Take a deep breath.

3. This too shall pass – 13%

This too will/shall pass; It gets better; It will get better; It will get easier; It’s all going to be OK.

4. You’re doing a good job – 12%

You are enough; I’m doing OK; You are doing just fine; You are not failing; You are doing the best you can; You’re doing great; You are doing a good job; You are doing an amazing job; Doing your best is not always being perfect; You are doing it exactly right.

5. Pamper yourself – 8%

Get a massage; Pamper yourself; Go to the spa; Watch a movie; Self care; Take a bubble bath.

6. Ask for or accept help – 6%

It’s OK to ask for help; Ask a friend or family member for help; Don’t be afraid to ask for help; Accept help.

7. Sleep – 5%

Sleep; Go to bed; Make time for sleep.

8. You’re not alone – 5%

You’re not alone; It happens to everyone.

9. Go for a walk – 5%

Go for a walk; Get outside.

10. Think of all the positives – 4%

Think of all the positives; Enjoy every moment.

Know someone who could benefit from hearing this advice from 100 other people who have been there? Share this message with them. It could be the exact thing they need to read today.