There is a myth out there that is hurting businesses. So many people selling online marketing programs perpetuate the quick buck and instant success myths like six-figure launches.

They’re not telling you how many people they have working on their campaigns, how much money they are investing in advertising to get the thousands of people that you need to reach in order to have a six figure launch, and on and on.

This can make you feel like if you’re not doing six-figure launches that you’re not succeeding. And you can jump from tactic to tactic trying to make it work when in fact, it’s just making you feel scattered, overwhelmed and like nothing is working. Unfortunately, this does more harm to your business overall because it confuses potential clients.

What to do instead

Instead – whether you have tens of thousands of dollars to invest in marketing or not – you need to:
✅ show up (in person, online and anywhere you ideal clients hang out)
✅ take action that aligns with your business vision and goals
✅ be laser-focused on your priorities
✅ use your time to the very best of your ability
✅ say no to the things that won’t get you there
✅ implement your amazing ideas that are perfect and resonate with your ideal client

And you need to do this consistently and over time. Patience is your biggest ally.

Time passes so much more slowly for you as a business owner than it does for your prospective clients. They’re busy people.

For example, I was recently in the rest room touching up my lipstick, getting set to emcee a women’s networking event and a woman said to me, “How do you like running these meetings? You must be coming up to a year now!” In fact, I had been leading these events for nearly two years by that point. Time passes differently for you than for your clients. Remember that.

Stick with it

If you struggle with patience, knowing what to prioritize, with time management, with procrastination, with overwhelm in any of those areas, a life and business coach is essential. You’ll implement faster than you will on your own, you’ll have accountability to follow through, and you’ll gain insight that you can’t on your own. If that sounds like you, I’d be happy to recommend some great life and business coaches.